
Celtic Coin Books

£ 15.00
War Coins of the Sun Warriors - Norman Rybot
War Coins of the Sun Warriors 
focuses on the iron age silver staters of the Coriosolites (The Sun Warriors) which have long been recognised as a key part of Britain’s imported coinage.

Contains 240 coins drawings with detailed descriptions to aid identification plus distribution maps. 


88 pages
A5 Paperback (210 x 148mm)
ISBN 978-0-9566889-4-1
£ 15.00
Boar Horse - Matthew RichBoar Horse covers the earliest silver coins of the Corieltavi (c.60 BC – AD 10) and catalogues 123 types and sub types.

Every coin is described in detail with enlarged drawings to make identification simple, with a guide to its rarity.

"One of the most beautiful, fascinating and complex coinages of the British Iron Age has finally received the attention it deserves” says Dr Philip de Jersey. "This superbly illustrated catalogue is the ideal handbook to guide collectors through the maze of types and varieties, many previously unpublished” says Dr John Sills. 

A5, 80 pages, paperback

ISBN: 978-0-9566889-2-7